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We’d been planning it for months – a weekend getaway just for the ladies of Coffee and Cake, an online social group of women who had come to form a very strong bond over the years. Thirteen of us…that is, until one of us died on night one of our trip. Secrets are revealed, suspicions are leveled, and accusations are made.

Can an online group of women really be true friends, or is it all just a lie they have spent an age imagining? The murder of one of their own could tear it all apart, and for one member in particular, Babette Martin, her very freedom may depend on finding the real killer. A web of lies, far too many instances of turning a blind eye, and the arrogance of one woman could tear apart the entire group. Far more is at stake, and the very sanity of one member could be in peril.

Are online relationships the same or as good as real-life relationships, and can a group of women truly be friends? Babette is about to find out. She just has to survive the ordeal first.

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3 thoughts on “Un-friend

  1. Loved it! I loved it. Friendship, not romance was the focus and a murder mystery this is my favorite type of story. The main character, Babette Martin is a friend of mine, so it was even better for me. She was so honored that she was chosen to be in this book. This is a quick read, great for sitting by the pool or on the beach. I recommend it and I will now read more of S.Y. Robins books.

  2. Definitely Worth A Read But Not A Long Book I thought this book was a good read & I finished it in over an hour. I was concerned with the title that it would be a book geared more towards teens or young adults but was pleased that wasn’t the case. Un-friend had a good plot & an ending so it was a satisfying read.

  3. Hope and Love Restored Right before I read this book, I was watching the newscast of the shooting in Orlando. I thought why does life have to be this way? Can’t we all just get along??Reading this story left me thinking that even when things are at their lowest – somehow, someway, somewhere in this world there will always be hope and love! Thank you Ms. Robins… have restored my faith with this story!!!!

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