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After eight years, Henley Calvert is headed home. Back to the family farm and small town she left behind, never to be thought of again. Too much regret and shame to bear. But she’s the only one left to see to her family’s legacy, so she must return to Ashfall and face all the ghosts that haunt her.

Gatlin Holt, the family farmhand, awaits her arrival, and lends a hand – in more ways than one. He reacquaints Henley with the lay of the land while helping her heal her soul with a new outlook on life. Yet every time she thinks some peace may be within reach, Henley hits another roadblock. The biggest of which is Keaton Cash – her childhood nemesis who owns the farm next door.

And no, it’s not a love triangle. That’s impossible when Henley’s heart is closed, incapable of love.

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3 thoughts on “Unstable

  1. 4 Stars!!! Unstable by S.E. Hall was an emotional roller coster, filled with hometown antics, and focused on a young woman who is trying to find her way after a loss & tragedy. 

  2. Hysterical and Beautiful The story of Henley will take you through many emotions. Death of a parent was one I can fully relate to, that was a hard one to go through with Henley. The dynamic between Henley and Keaton is hysterical. I lost count of how many times I literally laughed out loud. You will bounce between laughing one minute and crying the next. There are many twists and turns in between. I absolutely loved this book and couldn’t put it down. You are very lucky to find a love like Henley and Keaton that grew…

  3. A beautiful story that really hits home for me Once again, SE Hall’s words have seeped into my soul. 

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