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3 thoughts on “Vessel

  1. Can’t get enough I cannot stop listening to this CD. It’s irresistible!… once you get over the initial weirdness of a few rapid shifts within some songs. The first time I listened, I was like, wha…??? when that happened. Like, can they do that? And what would that even look like, in notes and time signatures and all? And, is that like wearing camo shorts with a Hawaiian shirt? But now, I love those spots. I wait for the shift, or the interrupted phrase, anticipate it, beat the steering wheel, smack the air…

  2. Trust me, this band is amazing Trust me, this band and album is amazing, it is a make of some of their older popular songs re-recorded with the label, and a mix of new songs! This band is very outside the box, and sometimes it takes a couple listens to get use to them. But once you start to pick up the songs, you fall in love and gotta have more! Tyler and Josh are great men who spend a lot of their free time volunteering their music abilities to church events in their home town. If you have never seen them live, you need…

  3. Confused. Dumbfounded. Amazed. Surprised. Content. Itunes recommended this CD to me. I would usually be like, eh Itunes doesnt really know what i like, and brush it off, but then i hear the first single “Holding On To You” and was confused. Is this the same thing Itunes suggested? No way. It’s too good. It’s originality and creative aggresive/peaceful sound dumbfounded me and i simply was at a loss for words. THEN i found out how old these two were. They are either seniors in high school, or fresh out of that hell, and this amazed the hell out…

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