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Video Game Plotline Tester: Dark Herbalist Series, Book 1

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Would you be prepared to work for free? How would you like to bust your hump for a large corporation 60-plus hours a week without a wage or a single day off for the vague promise of some mysterious perks in the distant future?

You’d refuse point blank, wouldn’t you? But what if the job in question was playing a state-of-the-art fantasy MMORPG game? And what if this was the only thing you’re really good at? Especially considering that your in-game partner is someone really special to you – and this person already lives a virtual life?

Knowing all this, would you consider the mysterious future bonus worth your while?

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3 thoughts on “Video Game Plotline Tester: Dark Herbalist Series, Book 1

  1. Good book plus a bonus story This is an excellent first installment in what looks like a promising new series. The story flows smoothly, reminding me of the author’s previous series Perimeter Defense. There’re some funny moments and plot twists. The characters are well fleshed out. Overall, the author’s done an excellent job. 

  2. Awesome book This was a great book, any fans of LITRPG or new readers who are interested in a story that focuses mostly on a gaming world will enjoy this book. One thing I particularly like is the main character isn’t a human or an elf or a dwarf which are the most common choices in such books. We will now have a chance to read a book where the player plays as one of the weakest monsters you normally face in an RPG. I assume that means we won’t be seeing a OP charecter in this book instead we are seeing a…

  3. Fun addition to the litRPG genre First of all, the blurb of the book for me did it a disservice. It suggests a lone-wolf facing a faceless cooperation as the villain. Instead, the protagonist made a conscious choice for the unpredictable award (he could have picked a normal income) and he did it in agreement with his younger sister who joins him in the game as well and is the strategist of the group. In other words, the protagonist is not a loner, nor a wild gambler and in this book at least it is not the company that is the…

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