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Kira Miller is a brilliant genetic engineer who discovers how to temporarily achieve savant-like capabilities in all areas of thought and creativity. But what if this transcendent level of intelligence brings with it a ruthless megalomania?

David Desh left the special forces after his team was brutally butchered in Iran. Now he has been reactivated for one last mission: find Kira Miller, the enigmatic genius behind a bioterror plot that threatens millions. But when Desh learns that the bioterror plot is just the tip of the iceberg, he is thrust into a byzantine maze of deception and intrigue, and he becomes a key player in a deadly game he can’t begin to understand – a game that is certain to have a dramatic impact on the future course of human history.

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3 thoughts on “WIRED

  1. Very Good. Recommended Read. Book Review: Wired by Douglas E Richards 

  2. 21st Century Flash Gordon I ordered this book because it had gotten so many outstanding reviews, and was a NY Times Best Seller, among others. 

  3. Absolutely Amazing – You Must Read this Book I was blown away by the quality of the writing, the sophistication of the storyline, the depth of the characters, and the break-neck pace of the book. It is once of the best books I have read this summer. With WIRED, I believe that Mr. Richards will give the masters of this genre (mystery/thriller) a run for their money. The book has a little bit for everyone – cutting edge science/science fiction, a bit of philosophy about good vs evil, action galore, and even a little romance. To say the…

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