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Wives of War

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London, 1944. Two young nurses meet at a train station with a common purpose: to join the war effort. Scarlet longs for the chance to find her missing fiancĂ©, Thomas, and to prove to her family – and to herself – that she’s stronger than everybody thinks. Nursing is in Ellie’s blood, but her humble background is vastly different from Scarlet’s privileged upbringing. Though Ellie puts on a brave face, she’s just as nervous as Scarlet about what awaits them in France.

In Normandy, the two friends soon encounter the seemingly unflappable Lucy. Scarlet and Ellie are in awe of her courage and competence, but the experienced nurse is well aware of the dangers of the job they’ve chosen – and even she is terrified they won’t make it home alive.

Pushed to their limits by the brutality of a world at war, Scarlet, Ellie and Lucy will need to rely on each other – and the power of their friendship – to survive.

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3 thoughts on “Wives of War

  1. Anyone Up for a Cliche? This book was offered under the Historical Fiction category for the Kindle First reads for June. Based on my experiences with the KF offering, they can be quite the mixed literary bag. And I don’t even get the coveted AVP flag on my review. Oh, well… 

  2. Wow Not a typical romance but I loved it for that. There was something compelling about Scarlet, Ellie and Lucy. Enough that though it got dark at times; which I think was good as it kept war from being sugar coated; I wanted to keep reading about them.I wasn’t sure how Scarlet’s storyline would wrap up but out satisfied me.

  3. An excellent read I really struggled with this book. Not because it was bad, because I couldn’t put it down. I stayed up way too late reading “just one more chapter”. I’m a nurse, and this book is a very accurate description of many of the things we go through, especially with trauma patients. I loved the friendship between the 3 women and I loved how they unconditionally supported each other. This book made me smile, it made me flinch, and it made me cry (several times, as a matter of fact). Sure, there…

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