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Zombie Fallout 9: Tattered Remnants

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In a world overrun by zombies, one family struggles against all odds to hold on.

With three vampires closing in, can the Talbot family withstand the coming onslaught? Or will they become a footnote in the history of the apocalypse?

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3 thoughts on “Zombie Fallout 9: Tattered Remnants

  1. The Best One Yet! This was my favorite of the series. So much action and drama. Mark Tufo brings his characters to life in all of his books. The dialogue and Mike’s thinking had me in tears I was laughing so hard. You cannot help but love his main character, flawed, but a man you would want as a friend and definitely by your side during a Zombie Apocalypse. If you haven’t read the series you are missing out! If you have read the series then hurry up and buy this volume, I promise you will love it. Thank you Mark…

  2. Still Awesome! The long awaited continuation of Zombie Fallout and Talbot’s comedy of errors that is his life continues. While I thoroughly enjoyed this installment, it is a bit darker than the previous ones. But it is still Michael Talbot and there are enough laughs, chuckles and tears to keep every Talbot/Tufo fan happy. The Eliza saga is over which led to the Demense group and the wild ride that left us breathless. But it was all a prelude for what was to come. ZF9 is the beginning of another twist in the…

  3. What would Talbot do. When the email comes and says your pre order is purchased and its ZF9 life is grand. When you blow through it in a few hours not so grand. Get a few bits of closure to some things. Get more questions going for the next bits. Although I feel like I am cheating from reading other Tufo books I still get all amped with The Tao Of Talbot. The book is just as good as all the previous installments. If you haven’t read any of the series do read them all. Actually read all of Mark Tufo’s works. He…

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