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Zombie Fallout: Zero

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Those who would seek a new world order have unleashed the most devastating virus onto mankind, and even they do not know the secrets hidden in their weapon. Follow along as Harry, a CDC scientist, races to figure out what exactly the virus is and how to stop it. It will be up to him and a group of marines led by Major Sanders to stop the zombie fallout before it ravages an unsuspecting world.

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3 thoughts on “Zombie Fallout: Zero

  1. READ THIS NOW!!! I love zombie books, all kinds. My kindle is full of them, World War Z, The MorningStar Strain, Day by Day Armageddon, even on set in England, which is weird because fighting zombies without guns is probably my worst nightmare! That being said Mark Tufo is AMAZING!!! The first chapter had me hooked and I’m still on the edge of my seat after 8 books. He even broke me out of my zombie kick with his other series (which are written just as well as this, and feature many of the same characters in…

  2. FREE Full Sized Novel – Well Worth The Read! First and foremost, this book was FREE! With that being said, it is a great book. I laughed at all of the dialog and first person commentary, whether said out loud or internally. The primary first person thought process was hilarious and real. As for the many reviews B!+ h!ng about poor editing or spelling… this is writen as a journal and many, MANY, people are poor spellers, but also remember… This Book Is FREE! Quit complaining. Many authors are suffering through poor editors and less…

  3. I would happily read this guy’s day planner I read a lot. I have ever since before I could read all of the words I came across, and yet I read voraciously. As an adult, I’ve read a lot of post-apocalyptic and zombie literature. A LOT. Probably more than a well-adjusted and productive person should. I’ve read well-written, thought-provoking books, and I’ve read hastily thrown together e-novellas that seemed to be more of an idea than an actual story. Nothing in this genre has ever both immediately intrigued me AND made me laugh out loud…

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