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Once in a lifetime, a writer puts it all together. This is James Patterson’s best book ever.

For 36 years, James Patterson has written unputdownable, pulse-racing novels. Now, he has written a book that surpasses all of them. ZOO is the thriller he was born to write.

All over the world, brutal attacks are crippling entire cities. Jackson Oz, a young biologist, watches the escalating events with an increasing sense of dread. When he witnesses a coordinated lion ambush in Africa, the enormity of the violence to come becomes terrifyingly clear.

With the help of ecologist Chloe Tousignant, Oz races to warn world leaders before it’s too late. The attacks are growing in ferocity, cunning, and planning, and soon there will be no place left for humans to hide. With wildly inventive imagination and white-knuckle suspense that rivals Stephen King at his very best, James Patterson’s ZOO is an epic, non-stop thrill-ride from “One of the best of the best.” (TIME)

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3 thoughts on “Zoo

  1. Another book not written by James Patterson It appears that like Clive Cussler, James Patterson is franchising his name. Getting other people to write your books, that’s as old as Dickens.The problem is that a different voice appears in every book. Haven’t heard the masters voice in years. Pity.This book is sadly not what the real James Patterson would have written all those years ago.

  2. Ugh Ugh. The plot is nonsensical. It reads like something out of an old Sci-Fi/Horror film. The only reason I even bothered to finish the novel was just to see what new level of idiocy it would reach. Do NOT buy this book.

  3. Worst book I’ve read in years “Zoo” is full of point-of-view errors, sloppy dialog, one-dimensional main characters, tell-don’t-show, and artificially-induced pacing. There are a few neat action sequences, and the premise is fascinating, but the science is horrible, and the moral posturing is infuriating. Ecologists and “green” folks everywhere should bury all the remaindered copies of this book, because the best use it can serve for our ecology is as a carbon sink. 

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