Melody Beattie, the best-selling author of “The Language of Letting Go”, brings you 50 cards to help remind you that each day you can ask for and accept the healing energy of God and the Universe. This beautifully illustrated deck will inspire you to live in the here-and-now; and by doing so, you can allow life to happen instead of trying to force outcomes. When you relinquish regrets over the past and fears about the future, you can truly make the most of every day.
INSTANT PEACE OF MIND! I’ve had these for a few years and can’t say enough about them. These cards are the perfect tool to keep you in a peaceful state. There is one for your every need. I keep these in my desk at work but I take them home with me on the weekends. They are a MUST HAVE. Beautifully illustrated and packaged. I’ve bought them for ALL of my girlfriends. Can’t believe they are not on “O’s Favorite Things” list…they sure are on mine!!!
Keeps me focused Great for inspiring growth in an area where I or my clients are struggling. Keeps us focused on ourselves, in a patient, kind way.
The Language of Letting Go Cards – 50 Card Deck (Note: Amazon lumps all Language of Letting Go products together. This review refers to ISBN#1401903479 which is a 50 card deck based on the book of the same name.)”Today I will trust that the events occurring in my life are not random. My experiences aren’t mistakes, and the Universe, my Higher Power, and life are not picking on me. I’m going through exactly what I need to go through to learn something valuable-something that will prepare me for the joy and love that I’m seeking.” -from the Trusting in Life cardMelody Beattie, the bestselling author of The Language of Letting Go, has created a 50 card deck reminding us that we can ask for and accept the healing energy of God and the Universe each and every day. Based on her bestselling book, this beautifully illustrated deck inspires both self empowerment and present moment awareness. By truly living in the present moment, we can allow life to happen instead of trying to force outcomes. Relinquishing regrets…