Before you were born, you worked with your angels to orchestrate a life mission that would help others and be emotionally rewarding. This card deck by Doreen Virtue will allow you to conduct accurate and trustworthy readings to explore that life purpose. Each of the 44 beautifully illustrated cards contains an illuminating message from the angels related to this topic.
The accompanying guidebook explains the general meanings of the cards and provides specific details that can offer more clarity about your career and spiritual path. Whether you’re seeking answers for yourself or your loved ones and clients, these cards can yield valuable insights. The angels are happy to guide every aspect of your life purpose!
Very beautiful and helpful for Daily Life Purpose as well! First off, THANK YOU Amazon and the publisher for getting these cards out much earlier than anticipated. I was so excited to find these in the mail so early!The artwork on these cards is as beautiful as they are on all the other decks I have. The colors are very light and uplifting, and the energy is also very light and easy to work with. And I love that not only can I ask about my life purpose in terms of future career possibilities and long-term, but I can also find out what is charted for me in my path for the next day or two. I have had a good laugh at this twice. About four days I asked about my purpose of the day, and in the immediate past card position I received ORACLE CARDS. I had just done a few oracle card readings for a friend in the UK earlier that day. She was really going through some uneasy times and needed some angelic guidance. It made me feel good to know that I was right in life with my path. I also noticed one day that I was quite attracted to…
Life Purpose Oracle Cards Doreen has a knack for oracle cards and these are no different. I have worked with these cards for the past few days after receiving them. They are spot on! For a sneak preview of the new cards, see her reading on YouTube. You can go to You Tube and type in 4AngelTherapy June 13-19,2011, then click on that reading. She will show you what all the cards look like and gives a beautiful reading. These are truly wonderful cards. Give them a try and you will see.
This Oracle Card Deck is Beautiful, Inspirational, and Magical! Dear Amazon Customers,Doreen Virtue has released her newest oracle card deck “Life Purpose Oracle Cards.” The focus of this card deck is to help you find your life purpose. The oracle cards address a variety of factors with your life purpose including clarity on your career path, the careers you would be happy in, your spiritual path, emotional guidance with your career path, creativity, manifestation guidance, and more. Some examples are the cards are stated as follows:”Protected””Creative Expression””Teaching””Writing””You’re on the right path””Healer””Author””Infinite Abundance””Hearts Desires””Leadership”Each card has an additional message on it to provide clarity and guidance on the theme of the message. The booklet is excellent because it provides an extended meaning for each oracle card. The paintings are beautiful. Amazing artists are…