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SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community

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SoulCollage® is an accessible collage process with practical applications that has a growing international community. It’s easy to learn and it’s inexpensive. Best of all, it inspires individual creativity and encourages good communication in families and groups. SoulCollage® is adaptable to many contexts and groups. Anyone can enjoy the multi-leveled, creative process. All you need is a good pair of scissors, pre-cut mat board cards, images you can find anywhere, and glue! When you have made some cards, you can consult them, asking important life questions and letting your cards speak your own intuitive wisdom back to you. SoulCollage® is fun to share with friends and in groups for personal enjoyment and self-discovery or to work with professionally, as a trained SoulCollage® Facilitator. Founder Seena B. Frost s first book ignited a worldwide interest in SoulCollage®, which invites anyone to be creative and undertake an adventure of self discovery. All you need is a good pair of scissors, pre-cut mat board cards, images you can find anywhere, and glue! After you have made some cards, you can consult them, ask important life questions and let your cards speak your own intuitive wisdom back to you. Frost’s first book, SoulCollage®, now out of print, was a finalist for the Nautilus 2002 Book Awards for titles that contribute significantly to conscious living and positive social change. SoulCollage® has evolved into an international community of Facilitators and SoulCollagers enjoying and sharing this simple, yet profound process. SoulCollage® Evolving gives the basic instructions for how to make and do readings with SoulCollage® cards, and describes how individuals and groups are using this process with different age groups and in many socioeconomic, cultural, and religious contexts to discover their wisdom and change their world.

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3 thoughts on “SoulCollage Evolving: An Intuitive Collage Process for Self-Discovery and Community

  1. Powerful process shared beautifully This book is about a powerful and healing process that is accessible to everyone. I bought Seena Frost’s first book and have since dedicated a good part of my life to sharing this simple, engaging, creative process with others. What grew out of Seena’s personal reflections, has become a process practiced literally around the world! I’m glad there is a second book that further documents her work. She has created, and generously shared, a process of simple genius. What a delightful way to discover one’s wisdom and own “inner genius!” Read it, practice it, pass it on to others. It’s a wonderful way to create community in any setting. We will all benefit by inviting more creativity and soulful connections into our lives!

  2. Accessible Format I enjoyed reading this book in one sitting. I began skimming it, which is appropriate because it is a reference book, but I found portions so engrossing that I kept reading. If you are looking for an introduction to the SoulCollage process, you will find it in this book. If you are looking for details about the suits and transpersonal cards and strategies to put the cards to work, you will find that as well. I found all of the information helpful and expansive, but that isn’t what hooked me. I was hooked by the many examples of cards themselves, real cards made by real people. Viewing the cards, which are aptly integrated into the text, gave me a sense of the people who created them, something akin to stumbling upon somebody’s shopping- or to-do list. I especially loved the color section of cards and looking at Seena Frost’s personal cards. The book mirrors the SoulCollage process, which fosters community and personal insights.

  3. SoulCollage® Evolving: A Rare Jewel (Important to know, the product description and early two reviews are incorrect listings that Amazon continues to ignore requests by the publisher to correct.) made its debut in 2001, as a newly pubescent teenager. In her third book, SoulCollage® Evolving, Seena Frost introduces her readers to a now mature SoulCollage® and describes its unfolding in the world at large. She takes her teachings one step further, clarifying the tools of SoulCollage®–a process so universal that it transcends the common limitations of age, income, education, confidence, talent, and personal history. SoulCollage® is simple enough for a child, yet profound enough to change a life.What occurs when one creates a SoulCollage® deck–i.e., trusting the process and gluing images to standardized mat board “cards,” then taking a few minutes to journal…

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