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You Can Channel! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could get your questions answerd and receive unconditional love by connecting with a spirit guide, the Divine, a favorite dead relative or your soul? This textbook is your complete reference for connection to the spirit realm. Whether you want to channel for yourself or become a professional channel, you will refer to this textbook again and again. You Will Discover How To… Be a clear channel. Implement The Steps to Channel -an excellent step-by-step process to connect you with the spirit realm. Write, speak, draw, paint, receive healings and move with your source of guidance. Strengthen your psychic abilities. Develop long-term and employ short-term psychic protection. Channel dead relatives. Ground yourself to the earth. Meditate to calm and center yourself. Set up a professional channeling practice. Add channeling to your existing practice. Channel for a group. Through the Open Heart School, Ms. Muenz Chen has shown thousands of people the safest, surest way to conect to the spirit realm. Here is the textbook her students and clients have been waiting for.

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2 thoughts on "Channeling: The Heart & the Art"

  1. Anonymous says:

    It’s easy to read. It’s grounded and reflects a personal journey that beginning students or advanced practitioners can appreciate. This will help seekers gain insight into the life of a dedicated spiritual counselor. There is a matter-of-fact quality to it that I like.

  2. Tara says:

    A wonderful guide and resource I started my journey working with the spirit realm through the guidance of this book and through Diana, so it is great for the beginner. This book helped to develop my psychic abilities, my connection to the spirit realm and the earth, an awareness of my guides, and has opened many doors to this world and beyond. It is still a constant reference for me as I continue to grow in myself and with the spirit realm, and it addresses all the pieces to making your connection a comfortable, safe, and positive experience. I have also used the information in this book in my day-to-day living, as it teaches you how to stay grounded, protect your own energies, and feel safer in your existence. I cannot express enough the incredible guidance I have received from this book and how much love and thought was put into the information provided–it is a powerful and professional guide for existing with other spirit realms.

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