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Emerging from the Mist: Awakening the Balance of Female Empowerment in the World

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Every single person reading this book has agreed to do come together centuries ago when we all dispersed into the mist. We agreed to come back together when it was safe. We agreed to return to empowerment when the world so desperately needed to reawaken to the creativity, compassion, imagination and solace of their own stillness. We’re fulfilling a promise we made to humanity, to share our abilities in a mixture of synergy and passion to awaken those who still slumber and to heal the ills of apathy and indifference. This book is a tool for the individual to realize their empowerment. It is for them to accept the mantel of mastership without the increment steps of waiting in time, giving their power away in proxy to a group or diminishing their worth through sitting at the feet of another.

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