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I Can See Clearly Now

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For many years, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s fans have wondered when he would write a memoir. Well, after four decades as a teacher of self-empowerment and the best-selling author of more than 40 books, Wayne has finally done just that! However, he has written it in a way that only he can—with a remarkable take-home message for his longtime followers and new readers alike—and the result is an exciting new twist on the old format. Rather than a plain old memoir, Wayne has gathered together quantum-moment recollections. In this revealing and engaging book, Wayne shares dozens of events from his life, from the time he was a little boy in Detroit up to present day. In unflinching detail, he relates his vivid impressions of encountering many forks in the road, taking readers with him into these formative experiences. Yet then he views the events from his current perspective, noting what lessons he ultimately learned, as well as how he has made the resulting wisdom available to millions via his lifelong dedication to service. As a reader, you will feel as if you are right there with Wayne, perusing his personal photo album and hearing about his family, his time in the service, how he writes his best-selling books, and so much more. In the process, you’ll be inspired to look back at your own life to see how everything you have experienced has led you to where you are right now. Wayne has discovered that there are no accidents. Although we may not be aware of who or what is “moving the checkers,” life has a purpose, and each step of our journey has something to teach us. As he says, “I wasn’t aware of all of the future implications that these early experiences were to offer me. Now, from a position of being able to see much more clearly, I know that every single encounter, every challenge, and every situation are all spectacular threads in the tapestry that represents and defines my life, and I am deeply grateful for all of it.” I Can See Clearly Now is an intimate look at an amazing teacher, but it also holds the key for seekers on a personal path of enlightenment. Wayne offers up his own life as an example of how we can all recognize the hand of the Divine steering our individual courses, helping us accomplish the mission we came here to fulfill.

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3 thoughts on “I Can See Clearly Now

  1. The Wayne Dyer Book I’ve Been Waiting For First, I have to admit I got a copy a few weeks ago so I could prepare for a podcast I did with Dr. Dyer about his excellent book.That said, this could be my favorite of his books and the bar was set pretty high already. I’ve read many of his 40 or so books from “Your Erroneous Zones” to “Wishes Fulfilled” and many in between.Wayne Dyer has an amazing ability to take 100s of spiritual texts, written from many different disciplines and periods in history,…

  2. A gift for the reader “I Can See Clearly Now” is a wonderful memoir which means a lot to me personally. It’s a little hefty at nearly 400 pages, but I read it in quick time. It’s a real page turner, and almost every page has at least one piece of great wisdom or insight.I almost feel a little embarrassed at writing this review, as I have not read a Wayne Dyer book for well over a decade. Yet it was Wayne Dyer who first opened my eyes to a greater spiritual intention in the world when I picked up…

  3. The Best Wayne Dyer Book EVER!!! I am a huge fan of Wayne Dyer’s and love his PBS specials. However, when I would get the accompanying books, they’d be rather dry and didn’t display quite the same charisma and enthusiasm as the PBS specials. Those specials drew me in form start to finish. There are quite a few books of Wayne’s that I am still in the beginning chapters of because they weren’t captivating like his specials (in my humble opinion).I Can See Clearly Now is one his best books ever! His stories are…

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