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I Got This!

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During the drama of the campaign of 2016, I made a conscious choice to focus on Love, the many faces of love instead of the negative voices. I used the tools of words and art in a healing practice that I have developed over twenty-five years as an expressive arts therapist. I explored: romantic love, fears about love, feeling lit up within, what I call “heart fire” and much more. I drew on universal themes such as: loneliness, what is unconditional love?, self-love, self-empowerment, feelings, identity, home, choices and more. As I reached one-hundred and fifty blog posts, I decided to put together a book on self-love and self-empowerment called I Got This! I include writing from the blog but also writing from twenty-five years ago, ten years ago, five years ago, two years ago… I decided not to wait for an agent or publisher, but to publish myself with the help of an editor friend. I Got This! is something I have always wanted to write and to share part of my journey. I made a conscious choice to show up for myself. I created the keys to my own life by writing this book. This process makes me feel like I can do even more. I Got This!

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