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Leading Self-Directed Work Teams

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A new edition of the book that lead the self-directed work teams revolution. Leading Self-Directed Work Teams is one of the best-selling books on teams ever published. Now, the perfect guide for any team leader has been revised and expanded to reflect the new realities of team-based organizations. By explaining how team leaders differ from conventional supervisors, this informative volume which is based on the author’s successful seminars and workshops is especially useful for those managers who move from hierarchical to participatory structures.

This edition feature more practical examples and techniques than in the previous edition, new research, dozens of tips and checklists, case studies, and valuable training exercises. It has been used and praised by experts at Motorola, M.I.T., AT&T and many other organizations.

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3 thoughts on “Leading Self-Directed Work Teams

  1. Lessons from an Experienced Practitioner This book is a solid how-to manual for leading self-directed work teams. Kimball does a great job of explaining what self-directed teams are all about and how to lead them.Leading self-directed team may sound like paradox, but these teams need a special type of leadership. This book goes beyond theory to explain the realities of making these teams really work. Easy-to-read with plenty of examples.* Mark Kelly, coauthor of MASTERING TEAM LEADERSHIP: 7 ESSENTIAL COACHING…

  2. The Heart of Modern Management Kimball Fisher writes about the heart of modern management, the need to develop employees at all-levels and tap latent organizational resources through the emphasis of employee involvement in team-based programs.Fisher makes many of his points through analogies, which makes his work a delight to read, and easy to remember. Two of his analogies have taken a firm hold in my mind. The first is about the difference between the Shephard and the Sheep herder, and the second about not…

  3. If teams are the Religion, then this is the Bible! This book is our standard as we begin to build the team concept. The quote, “If teams are the Religion, then this is the Bible” comes from a senior manager in our company who has PASSION for the team concept. I am an internal OD consultant and I have a healthy background in the development of self directed teams. I used to consider “Self Directed Work Teams, the New American Challenge” by Orsburn, Moran, Musselwhite and Zenger to be the standard. Since then I have…

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