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Let It Be Easy: 12 Actions to Create an Extraordinary Life (The Self-Empowerment Trilogy) (Volume 3)

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Whether it’s heaven or hell, you create your life. If you are always struggling with your finances, relationships, health and career, life is hell. Once you learn how to let everything flow and materialize with ease, life can be heaven. By and large, most people find life to be a struggle. The reason for this is that they were never taught that life can be easy, and they were never taught how to bring about the ease, comfort, safety and peace that makes life a rich, rewarding and joyous experience. After reading this book, you will be able to finally take control of your life in a way that will bring you everything you’ve ever wanted. You will also be able to identify and eliminate what you don’t want. This promise may seem preposterous, but be assured, many people are doing it right now. The keys to this knowledge are available to anyone willing to look beyond the traditional realms of education and explore these simple, profound reminders to take action. This book suggests twelve actions you can take that will immediately enrich your life and produce an environment in which harmony and fulfillment can thrive. They are simple ideas that can create dramatic results. When you take these actions, you will find a remarkable difference in the quality of your life. They can transform your day-to-day experience of living. They will contribute to your sense of well-being, they will improve your relationships with others, and will assist you in becoming more alive, successful and prosperous.

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