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Potential: The 5 Pillars to Unlock Excellence

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The secret to being excellent

Your life is hard. You’ve been struggling. Perhaps you’re depressed or ready to give up. But there is hope! What if you found out that life was hard for a reason? What if you knew this season of your life would pass and you’d soon be on to better things?

Get out of the funk and step into greatness

What if you’ve always known you were destined to be successful but just never knew how to get there? What if the answers were right at your fingertips? Author Kevin Cole suggests that with perseverance, you can do anything you put your mind to. Leverage the power of habit to your greatest advantage, so you can quit wasting time and produce the results you’ve been yearning for. Learn how to turn challenges into triumphs and adversity into your greatest asset.

Build confidence, eradicate guilt, and achieve your dreams

Cole has a gift for breaking down concepts that could be scary or intimidating into easy-to-follow steps that produce results. Each pillar in the audiobook builds on the last, and as you complete the exercises in each section, you’ll feel more confident, stronger, and more resilient. Even if you’ve doubted your abilities in the past, with Potential: The 5 Pillars to Unlock Excellence, you’ll meet a whole new version of yourself you forgot – or never knew – was there. Discover the power of micro goals. Learn how to not feel guilty for quitting. Uncover your hidden motivations. This book will revolutionize the way you look at personal development.

You have a choice every day to be great. What will you choose today? Download Potential today and accelerate your journey to success and happiness.

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3 thoughts on “Potential: The 5 Pillars to Unlock Excellence

  1. simple, but easy depends on you! Simple suggestions to act upon in life for achieving satisfaction with yourself. Really puts the point on it is up to you the reader to take action to claim the reward that satisfies you. Good recommendations for to protect your aspirations from saboteurs! Still not overly complex to read in a single sitting.

  2. Excellent Book On Excellence Excellent read! This book is filled with wisdom that will help me for the rest of my life. I intend on reading this book periodically to be reminded of what excellence really is in life.One of the keys that jumped out at me in this book is the importance of giving our all to what we are doing to succeed, but also allowing some downtime to rest, take a break for our focus, refuel and regenerate so that we can go hard at our goals again. SUPER LIFE CHANGER FOR ME!

  3. Consolidating you knowledge This is a great book for anyone who wants a solid condensation of most the personal development works out there, especially on achievement and happiness. It mainly brings the principles of these two fields (happiness and achievement together in a seamless arrangement of value pillars. I gave it 4 stars only because it takes a seasoned personal developer to truly understand the merits of this work.Someone who is not familiar with the science behind some of his insights may struggle to buy in his…

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