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The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding

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We spend a third of our lives sleeping, After all, there has to be some part of our day when we stop talking and just listen. Dreams give us more than surrealistic landscapes and a cow or two descending from a cloud. They provide the knowledge and the tools we need to have happier,more fulfilling lives. Aside from Carl Jung, Betty Bethards couldn’t find a dream master she felt comfortable with. But Jung hadn’t supplied her with a glossary of dream symbols. So she channeled her own glossary, with the help of her guidance. That glossary became “The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding” and today, it is the best selling book on dream analysis in existence. People will not go on a trip without it. And it has a permanent place on thousands of bedside tables throughout the world. In short, this is a very loved book. But more than that, it helps you keep to your life plan, showing you some of the choices you’ve made as being unwise and some as going in the right direction. Betty tells us all dreams are positive-so right away, you are ahead.

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2 thoughts on “The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding

  1. MetaPhysically, this was my first book in the early ’80’s The Dream Book by Betty Bethards was the first book that was suggested to me for learning more of my future. It was ironic that I kept forgetting the name. Now, I rate it as the top book to get curious people to start their own adventure. I am now ordering my second copy as my first is in many pieces, worn so from much use. I prefer this Dream Book to all others that I have ever seen. It is simple and to the point. It is my opinion that Spirit will communicate to you with symbols…

  2. The best book on dream symbols I’ve evaluated so far I myself am a dream interpreter with my own dream interpreting site in which I encourage people to learn how to interpret their own dreams. This book is my #1 preference for people to consider first, because it is logical as well as spiritual. So many dream symbol books are hokey and just plain ridiculous, but this one simply makes sense and helps the dreamer better evaluate their dreams.

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