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The Emerging DreamHealer

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At the age of sixteen, a boy named Adam discovered a miraculous ability: He found that he could influence and eve cure the diseases of others simply by directing his own energy. — Now nineteen, [he] shows readers how to tap into their own remarkable ability to heal using the power of the mind to affect health of the body.

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3 thoughts on “The Emerging DreamHealer

  1. Conventional medicine no match for true God energy Adam serves as a role model for all of us. He allows us to remember that we are an extension of God just as our beloved Ascended Masters have shared many times over. No human can treat another human, animal or any form of energy any better than they treat themselves. Skeptics who use the word fraud are individuals who choose to remain in the darkness of fear and most are educated from books based on others perceptions called the Medical Profession. Conventional medicine is purely that, 3rd…

  2. The Emerging Dreamhealer I have read all of Adam’s books and have gone to Canada to see him. His message is great. Energy medicine is coming and he makes it possible to explore and learn it. Adam is a fantastic presenter, writer and is introducing us to a new paradigm of healing.

  3. Simple, clear, informative with visuals This is a wonderful book for people who would like to know about energy or distant healing or for people who already practice different types of healing and are looking for additional ideas that they can incorporate. The information in this book is presented in a very simple, clear and easy to read manner. One of the exceptional benefits of this book is a set of 50 or so images provided for visualization. Also, suggestions about different symptoms/diseases are very helpful.

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