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The Empowerment Process:: Discover A Powerful Way to Transform and Heal

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The Empowerment Process is a process of energetic transformation, a non-invasive process that supports your growth and well-being. Empowerment Process sessions can assist you in your journey by unfolding greater insight, creativity, and confidence to achieve your highest goals. Whatever aspect of life you feel ready to change, whatever the Universe is wanting for you, presents an opportunity for your growth. Transformation means that you take a leap from where you are now to a new place that you would like to be. In a sense, you are creating a new reality. This growth is experienced as a new energy, a more balanced way of functioning that supports your highest evolution. The Empowerment Process helps you feel more prepared to take a leap of faith in your journey. You might be ready to improve your health with a more nutritional diet, traditional and alternative medical advice, or other support necessary for your healing. You might want to change your mental attitude so that you energy is more positive. Or, you might want more spiritual support so you feel more closely connected to your Divine source. All levels of self-discovery and self-healing lead to self-empowerment through your transformations. As you increase your energetic power, that is reflected in your thoughts and behavior, and uplifts the collective energy in your immediate environment and beyond. As you transform from the inside, you will have a very powerful influence on the outside. Feeling more love in your heart creates a warm feeling in your environment which will respond in kind. That healing energy radiates out into the universe. The Empowerment Process is a tool to help you move forward, make your transformations while you remain centered and grounded. By being aware of what you need in alignment with what Nature has in store for you, accepting the present situation and being willing to allow the changes to take place within, you can fulfill your intentions through your transformations. You will draw opportunities to your awareness on all levels of your life — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual — for transformation and healing. Transformations through the Empowerment Process create permanent, heightened energy shifts that support your evolution.

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1 thought on “The Empowerment Process:: Discover A Powerful Way to Transform and Heal

  1. I was ready for a major, positive life shift, but needed some guidance. That’s when the Universe led me to Janet. Her process (as described in this book), which is done over the phone, involved backtracking to a major traumatic event in my youth. Once we identified this event, Janet showed me that I could re-live the event, and take my life in a whole new direction. The result was, and remains, a deep and profound shift in my connection with a Higher Power… and that connection is EVERYTHING…

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