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The Problem Is YOU: How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Conquer Self-Defeating Behavior

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This book won’t help you with self-defeating behavior. It’s easier to spend your life procrastinating, sabotaging relationships, not finishing tasks, fearing failure and keeping other bad habits than it is to change. Just stay the way you are.

This is how the voice of self-defeating behavior works on you. It works against your goals and interests in a way that you never get what you want. Opportunities are missed, your habits continue, your relationships don’t flourish, and your life becomes one big regret.

Inside The Problem is YOU: How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Conquer Self-Defeating Behavior we reveal exactly what these behaviors are and the steps to conquer each and every one of them. The result? A positive attitude, achieving what you want, and getting more out of life. Read this book today and free yourself from all the habits that are holding you back from living the life you truly deserve.

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3 thoughts on “The Problem Is YOU: How to Get Out of Your Own Way and Conquer Self-Defeating Behavior

  1. Not worth 99 cents No meat here. Just a litany of obvious old information. It should have been a pamphlet and free. This author seems to believe that a promising title will con people into buying. Shame on me. I have read many guidance type books over the years. This was a disappointment of the first order. Usually their is at least one kernel of value that makes the time and money expended seem fair. Not here.I recommend :The Slight EdgeRadical HonestyDaring GreatlyFull…

  2. Excellent Self-Help Book This self-help book not only explains self-defeating behavior, but it also gives the reader specific tools and exercises to abolish them. Most people will recognize these behaviors in themselves and, if they are reading this book, will take the easy-to-follow steps to change their habits. In addition, Burke helps to explain the origin of the beliefs surrounding the self-defeating behaviors and gives specific ways to overcome them. From learning to recognize and accepting that you exhibit…

  3. Some parts could have been fleshed out more The Problem is You by John Burke is a 33 page self-help book that describes types of self-defeating behavior, suggestion to correct these behaviors and a (very short) “pathway to success”. Everyone can benefit from reading this book since we all have ways we shoot ourselves in the foot. Some good tips, plain language, nothing pompous or officious, organized and concise.I was intrigued the book is so short. But truthfully, with a title “The Problem is YOU” who’s looking for a long…

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