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Why YOU Are YOUR ULTIMATE RELATIONSHIP: Find What You Really Want by Discovering What You Already Have

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Why YOU Are Your Ultimate Relationship is a road-map for the journey to the most empowering place we could ever reach—a place of profound relationship with ourselves.

This book is for anyone interested in a path to a life they will love more and more every day. It’s for couples who want to increase intimacy and joy in their relationship. It’s for parents who want to guide their children to their potential, and simultaneously ensure that all family members grow as individuals, strengthening the family unit. It is even for business owners who want to maximize the effectiveness of their teams.

Each of us can free ourselves from our personal obstacles and rise to a new level—a more meaningful and fulfilling life that is our birthright.

In four parts—Discovering, Developing, Deepening and Living Your Ultimate Relationship—author Ron Levy provides us with a bigger picture understanding of how we human beings work, and delivers a practical method of healing to the greatest depths, for increased unity with self, others, and all of life.

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