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“Take a deep breath of life, and consider how it should be lived”. This quote from Man of La Mancha sets the tone for this book, which offers daily inspiration for heart-centered living. Alan Cohen has touched the hearts and lives of thousands of people seeking more authenticity and creative self-expression in their lives.

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3 thoughts on "A Deep Breath of Life: Daily Inspiration For Heart-Centered Living"

  1. Jed Pokojowiec says:

    Still good the third time around I hadn’t looked at this book for a few years and recently started reading it again for the third or fourth time. There are some days when the reading doesn’t really touch me and other days when it’s exactly what I need to hear. I’ve attended three short seminars given by Alan and find him to be a loveable, real human being. I stayed around after one of the seminars and went out with a small group to have dinner with him. There are some ‘teachers’ who seem to don a mantle of self-importance…

  2. Sheri Baker says:

    One of the most inspiring books I’ve ever read! A Deep Breath of Life is an absolute joy from beginning to end. It’s as uplifting and thought-provoking as are all of Alan’s books, but this one is truly a gem. If you want to explore your spiritual nature, expand your awareness of life above and beyond the material realm, and experience an inner peace on a deeper level than ever before, this is a must read. If you’re like many people and your good intentions outweigh the time you can dedicate to reading, then this book is an especially…

  3. Keri-Lyn says:

    This book will bring you joy! This delightful book will definitely lift you up when you need an inspirational message. Sometimes, I read daily devotions or other motivational books and eventually stop reading them — This book is not like that! It “hits the spot” when I need an instant mood change or something to pick me up out of the doldrums…or just when I need a different perspective at the end of a day. Sometimes, I read several entries at a time. I often share pertinent insights from this book with…

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