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Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires

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Ask and It Is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks, which presents the teachings of the nonphysical entity Abraham, will help you learn how to manifest your desires so that you’re living the joyous and fulfilling life you deserve. As you read, you’ll come to understand how your relationships, health issues, finances, career concerns, and more are influenced by the Universal laws that govern your time/space reality – and you’ll discover powerful processes that will help you go with the positive flow of life. It’s your birthright to live a life filled with everything that is good-and this book will show you how to make it so in every way!For almost 20 years Jerry and Esther Hicks have been presenting workshops, producing tapes and writing books to help people create the life they desire. And desire is no small word in this agenda. According to the teachings of “Abraham”–a collective name for the spiritual entities that are channeled through Esther–desire is a good and natural force within us. In fact, we are all here to fulfill our desires, according to Abraham. Yet the reason so much of us feel frustrated, is that we have difficulty knowing how to ask and receive whatever we want to be, do or have.

Although Jerry and Esther are listed as the authors, Ask and It Is Given is actually a collection of channeled messages from Abraham. Fans of Abraham and the Hicks may not find new information, but will probably be delighted to have an inspiring, updated book that speaks to the familiar conversation of attracting the life we want. Newcomers may also be intrigued by this excellent, in-depth discussion on how to change one’s life by matching the vibrational energy of one’s desires–taking the power of positive thinking to a whole new level.

Because this material is channeled, it often reads like The Power of Now or A Course in Miracles–not a fast food book to be devoured in one sitting. Rather, this is a book to be read in passages, with a soothing gestation period in between. It includes much advice on working with energy and emotions as well as specific chapters on increasing prosperity, reclaiming health, working with meditation, and clearing clutter for clarity. For those who are onboard with the “Laws of Attraction” and the “Art of Receiving” that Abraham speaks of, this could be one of those deliciously mysterious books that you can open to any page and it seems to offer the exact advice or insight you need right now.–Gail Hudson

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3 thoughts on “Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires

  1. FANTASTIC! a must-read for anyone who wants total control over their life! This is the first time I’ve ever felt the need to write a review, but this book is so amazing I just had to add my opinion. Over the past couple of decades, I’ve accumulated a huge library of metaphysical and self-help type books, and this book is by far the best of all of them. I now think that all the other, human, authors had only pieces of the bigger picture – but Abraham has it all. Abraham is a group of channelled non-physical consciousnesses, and as such, they possess a degree of…

  2. The best of all manifestation/abundance books, because… The Hicks along with Abraham put it all together in this book. Most books (on any given topic, not just abundance) give you ideas and inspiration, but are not easy to figure out how to implement. In other words, many how-to books don’t truly show you how-to.This one does. It gives you IMMEDIATELY USABLE and USEFUL INSTRUCTIONS. The last part of the book lists 22 processes that you can use to attract what you want, explaining EXACTLY when to use them, and how. There’s something…

  3. One of the best books on manifesting available I’ll be honest — I don’t know what to think of the claim that Esther Hicks is channelling non-physical entities. I initially resisted buying this book because I am cautious around such claims of supernatural inspiration. But I respect Wayne Dyer and other great thinkers who praised this book, so I decided to give it a try. I’m glad that I did.This is one of the most powerful books on manifesting your dreams that I’ve ever read. Every paragraph contains deep truths that just…

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