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Grandma’s Inspiration: Prayers and Poems

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Ellen Mickelson: I have enjoyed writing all my life. These are a collection of prayers and poems that I have written over the years. I am dedicating this book to my beautiful grand-daughter, Melanie Camire. Melanie is fighting a long hard battle against cancer. At twenty years of age she had surgery to remove a tumor the size of a foot ball. It was attached to the Kidney. She lost one kidney. The cancer had already started to spread and the doctors didn’t have a chemo treatment that they thought would work. Her Doctor got her into a trail at Loyola Hospital and for the last three years Melanie has been fighting this horrible disease. She know is in a trial that takes her to California. Any proceeds I get from the sales of this book will go to help Melanie fight this battle. Thank you for your help and your prayers.

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