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Ignite Inspiration: Motivating Entrepreneurs To Achieve Work Life Balance and Stay On Top Of Business Trends To Easily Scale Business

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3 thoughts on “Ignite Inspiration: Motivating Entrepreneurs To Achieve Work Life Balance and Stay On Top Of Business Trends To Easily Scale Business

  1. Tips on How to Motivate Yourself A lot of entrepreneurs nowadays are so easily caught up in their business that they hardly have time for themselves or for their family. 

  2. This book does a great job of framing personal development with these new lenses Ignite Inspiration is a game changer when it comes to personal development and motivation. Lucy Hoger looks at the traditional strategies for personal development and adapts them to today’s fast paced, rapidly evolving landscape. This generation of business pioneers and startup founders are moving away from individualized, internally focused motivation techniques, and shifting toward more community-based, collaborative methods. Gone are the super-intense, marathon trainings. Now we have…

  3. An absolute gem of a read, Lucy Hoger’s Ignite … An absolute gem of a read, Lucy Hoger’s Ignite Inspiration is the book that entrepreneurs of the 21st century have been searching for. 

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