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Inspiration is different from anything that has been seen or read. It is a compilation of different experiences and lessons learned on an incredible journey with Christ. As Christians it can be very challenging to live in this world and not be of the world. We read of individuals like ourselves in the Bible who were able to withstand the attacks of the enemy. They were courageous, strong and full of the Spirit of God. How did they do it; some even with the threat of a fiery furnace before them? What about Joseph? How is it that he was able to run from sexual temptation?

It is possible to love God with all your heart and for that love to motivate you to follow God completely. The problem we face today is not that we don’t know what God wants; it’s the Inspiration to do it. The words of inspiration inspire you to acquire a deeper trust in God than you ever thought possible.

Ruth Ralph Rideout

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