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Read these quotes every time you feel the need to be inspired, encouraged or motivated to get back on track in one-pointedness towards your spiritual goal and to make and maintain the decision to bring the impostor self to its final end so that you can abide eternally as your true Self which is Absolutely Perfect Infinite-Awareness-Love-Bliss that has never experienced any sorrow or suffering in all of eternity. The Seven Sages placed tremendous emphasis on the importance of spiritual practice. The type is Palatino 14 for crisp clear easy reading. This book contains all of the quotes in Chapter (Step) Five from the book The Seven Steps to Awakening. Inspiration and Encouragement on the Path to Self Realization is Book Four in the Self Realization Series. One purpose of the Self Realization Series is to put just one category of quotes into a small book that has the advantage of making it easier to focus, meditate on, grasp and have insight into just one subject at a time. That makes the approach simple, easier and less complicated. The idea is to stay focused on just one subject until you have received everything you need to receive from that one subject. Most people go on to the next subject without ever having learned to apply to their lives the subject they are studying now. The Self Realization series of books are portable practice manuals aimed at helping sincere seekers of Self Realization master one Key to Self Realization at a time. The six titles in the Self Realization Series are: 1. Self Awareness Practice Instructions. 2. The Desire for Liberation. 3. The False self. 4. Inspiration and Encouragement on the Path to Self Realization. 5. Everything is an Illusion. 6. How Not to Get Lost in Concepts.

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1 thought on “INSPIRATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT On The Path To Self Realization

  1. SELF REALIZATION SERIES are a vital resource for all Direct Path aspirants As diamond cuts diamond, so do quotes of the Awakened correspondingly Awaken the sincere aspirant. Such Awakened quotes are essential nutrients for those on the Direct Path to Liberation. Such Awakened quotations are mighty gifts which never wither, sunder, or rust. These treasures beyond measure constitute the six volume SELF REALIZATION SERIES. They were uttered by sages among us who discovered the deathless as a result of their own ceaseless exertion. Now their timeless voices, as compiled…

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