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Inspiration and Healing: Letters with LDS (Mormon) Missionaries

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An ailing man with a debilitating and painful illness finds healing in letter writing with Latter-day Saint missionaries; young missionaries find inspiration and support from his letters; and “both are edified and rejoice together.”

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1 thought on “Inspiration and Healing: Letters with LDS (Mormon) Missionaries

  1. Unbelievably timely and effectivly taught wide ranging motivational and Gospel topics in real world letters to LDS missionaries. I’m not sure what I expected from this read, but I was unable to put the book down until I had finished it. If I have one dissapointment in the book it is that it ended to quickly. If you are ever in need of clear concise material for talks or lessons, this book is a treasure. The book is actually a searies of letters that were written over a 2 year span. It was interesting and oddly enough entertaining to see the topics, or Gospel principles discussed evolve and change as the individual…

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