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Journal Fodder 365: Daily Doses of Inspiration for the Art Addict

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Art Journal Adventures!

Learn how to journal your exceptional story. Life is not always extraordinary in all its details, but it is the sum of those ordinary events that add up to extraordinary lives. The journal is no different.

With Journal Fodder 365, the Journal Fodder Junkies will lead you on a year-long adventure in drawing and writing, in painting and collage, and in the flotsam and jetsam of your daily experiences. You will uncover simple strategies to make the visual journal a part of your life and you’ll discover new techniques for refining your personal narrative in an authentic and unique voice.

Inside You’ll Find: 12 themed chapters, ranging from Personal Mythologies and Histories to Connections and Relationships to Symbolically Speaking and beyond Dozens of step-by-step demonstrations for painting, drawing, writing, and collage techniques 12 suggested excursions for you and your journal 12 exploded views showing real-life applications of the lessons and prompts Let your journal be a living, breathing document of your life, a personally meaningful and relevant artifact.

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2 thoughts on “Journal Fodder 365: Daily Doses of Inspiration for the Art Addict

  1. Fun fodder! I was really excited to receive this book because I am a big fan of the first book by Eric and David – The Journal Junkies Workshop.The wait was certainly worth it – there are so many ideas for writing and art in this book, it would be suitable for both adults and especially teenagers (the fact these guys are school teachers really comes through – in a good way).What I really like it that the book lacks pretension – it’s not high end, fine art and doesn’t pretend to be…

  2. Title is a little deceptive… I keep a journal. I have since I was 10. As I got older, and being artistically inclined, I began to add “fodder” to my journals. Within the last few years, I discovered the art journal, and though I don’t put art on all of my pages, I am interested in adding flourishes, etc to my normal written entries. I bought their first book, Journal Junkies Workshop because I liked that they seemed to have a different perspective on the art journal. They seem a little disdainful (as another reviewer…

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