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When Lotta Jansdotter steps out in one of her signature outfits, fans always ask, “Did you make that yourself?” Often the answer is, “Yes, and so can you!” With that in mind, the style icon created Lotta Jansdotter Everyday Style, a pattern book/inspiration guide anchored by five easy, versatile sewing patterns—skirt, dress, blouse, pants/shorts, and jacket/coat—and highlighted with quick DIY accessories, including hats, bags, scarves, and jewelry.
Photographed over the course of a year in her life in New York, Tennessee, India, and Sweden and organized by season, Jansdotter shares her sources of inspiration and how she and her friends mix and match her key pieces while working, play- ing, resting, and traveling. Lotta Jansdotter Everyday Style brings Jansdotter’s infectious and sought-after sense of style to new followers and longtime devotees alike.

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One thought on "Lotta Jansdotter Everyday Style: Key Pieces to Sew + Accessories, Styling, and Inspiration"

  1. K_Ward says:

    LOVE THIS BOOK! I pre-ordered this book and patiently waited for it to arrive. Judging by the few photos available on Amazon, I felt like Lotta’s style was exactly what I was looking to sew as a novice! The book arrived last night and exceeded my expectations!!! I thought I was getting four patterns and didn’t realize the options that would come with each pattern. In addition, there’s patterns for bags (LOVE the yoga mat bag!), jewelry and other accessories! The photography is beautiful and the book is…

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