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Married For Life

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If you know these secrets, you really can love your spouse and live happily ever after. You’ll discover amazingly simple insights in this treasury of advice from the real experts–couples who have celebrated 50 or more years of wedded bliss. Their nuggets of wisdom, combined with inspiring reflections on love and marriage, will help you turn your marriage into a small piece of heaven on earth.

Married for Life celebrates the wealth of love and knowledge that resides in the hearts and minds of these committed couples. Allow their practical experience and the strength of their commitment to motivate you to nurture enduring love and romance in your own marriage.

Product Features

  • What are the really important lessons learned to stay married for 50 years?
  • Sometimes, it is the little things that really matter in a marriage.
  • Learn how grandmas and grandpas stayed married for all those years.
  • Find out the magical moments to keep your marriage special forever.

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3 thoughts on “Married For Life

  1. Married for Life Bill Morelan’s Married for Life is an encouraging, down to earth series of devotional thoughts about the permanence of marriage and the art required to build success in that second most significant relationship. Real life couples punctuate the thoughts shared, but I’d have liked to hear more of their thoughts.

  2. Great book! Easy read! Awesome little devotional book! I absolutely loved this book! It has little short stories from couples that have been married over 50 years and they are eye opening and inspirational. These little stories are meaningful and have relatable topics, not to mention each story is about different things we go through in life, different challenges. I would recommend this as a wedding gift or to a happily married couple. Great book.

  3. STRONGLY RECOMMENDED FOR EVERY COUPLE 🙂 This book is loaded with so much wisdom! Every newlywed should receive this as a wedding gift. Each page has a testimony suggesting a compoenent that held their marriage together for 50 years i.e. humor, trust, hard work, ect. Each page is from a different couple and ends with a scripture to support their wisdom. So, a couple can use this book as a daily devotion book too. It takes less than 5 mins to read a page ea night in the arms of your spouse and then read the bible verse and pray…

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