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I lost my mom in January of 2013. She was my inspiration. She always told us to see the gifts God gave you. She always told us we can do anything we set our minds too. I was inspired through my grief to help others through theirs. I write these poems for people who have lost their loved one in a tragedy or they have just passed on to heaven to return home. They are now our angels watching over us. When I sit and think of a person and how sad they must be or how their heart is breaking so much, it inspires me to write. It lifts their hearts to a peace filled state; their hearts can be light again to enjoy the memory of their lost loved one. They can smile once again, knowing their loved ones are with them always in God’s miracles. He shows us his work in the beauty of the sky and the world in general, all around us. He tries to help us get through our grief by showing how green the grass is or how blue the sky can be. I love you, Mom. I love you, Dad. Thank you for showing me God’s gifts.

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