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Plunge: Crafting the Uncommon Midlife

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Crooked Island, Bahamas. It was in the Bermuda Triangle, Hurricane Alley and had all manner of biting insects. Somehow all Fritz Damler and Mari Anderson saw was paradise. One short year after visiting friends there, they traded their stateside lives for a boat, an oceanside acre and four winters of hand-crafting a new home, and new life.
Plunge in with them as they immerse themselves in upheaval and adventure, sometimes skimming along a calm surface, other times in way over their heads. Told from both points of view (think Venus and Mars in Paradise), the story gives weight to the word impulsive even while showing that life, especially midlife, invites chaos, course correction and change.
Don’t forget your swimsuit, sunscreen and Deep Woods Off.

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3 thoughts on “Plunge: Crafting the Uncommon Midlife

  1. I love this book! Hey, I’m part of this story and am biased but it is really a great read and tells a story that few of us can say claim as true life adventure. When my brother, Fritz, finished his 10 year sail around the world and left his 36′ boat here at the Tinkertown Museum in New Mexico he began the next adventure with my best friend, Mari, and their story is a delight. I sell 30 copies a month of Fritz’ book “Ten Years Behind the Mast” in the Tinkertown gift shop and now “Plunge” fulfills the need for…

  2. Going out of Your Comfort Zone I am a firm believer in shaking up your life when you reach forty something. But Mari and Fritz take that belief farther than I have ever imagined by leaving everything they know and love behind – a dog, a horse, jobs, friends and family to start life on a remote island in the Bahamas. With humor and honesty, they take you through their experience from tossing around an idea to building a house and a life on an island. Their different personalities, as well as the male verses female…

  3. Simply: a story of love and adventure It’s not often that you get to read a real-life story of people who set out to realize a dream and make it come true.Fritz and Mari fell in love with each other…and one thing led to another and they found themselves on a beautiful, undiscovered island in the Bahamas, wanting a winter place when the snows of the Upper Midwest got too deep. The call of turquoise waters and beautiful reefs got irresistible. It’s not a story for the faint of heart–they really wanted it and it was no…

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