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The Day of the Dead: Art, Inspiration & Counter Culture (Inspirations & Techniques)

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The Day of the Dead is a festival of culture and youth, a feast of the senses and celebration of life in death. Originating in Mexico and the Latin American countries it began as a way of remembering departed relatives, as a means of embracing rather than fearing death. The beautiful rituals, the sugar skulls, the costumes and the festivities have grown into a massive counter culture across the western world. Art, movies, cartoons and literature have been consumed by the brilliant power of the Day of the Dead, tendered here in this lively new book, following Tattoo Art and Street Art, the latest title in Flame Tree’s hugely successful Inspiration and Technique series.

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1 thought on “The Day of the Dead: Art, Inspiration & Counter Culture (Inspirations & Techniques)

  1. Color, Mortality & A Celebration of Life A beautifully printed, visually lush and physically satisfying compendium of color and insightful commentary, perfectly-scaled, that explores its subject both at arms length and with the intimacy that only true affection for the theme can engender. 

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