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The Inspiration

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From a very young age, Mr. Shawn Coleman has had the opportunity to meet high profile individuals locally and globally. He met the greatest basketball player to have ever lived, rubbed shoulders with world renowned musicians, and was surrounded with a village of people that included family, friends, and other incredible individuals from different walks of life. Though Shawn struggled with some serious personal issues as a young man, he never passed up the chance to interview the successful people he was around and he always inquired about their journey to success. As he got older and began to research other successful people, he noticed 10 ingredients that were being used by nearly every successful person he spoke to. After seven years of meeting with popular people and studying the practices and behaviors of other successful people, Mr. Coleman wrote this book to help other people on the road to success regardless of the time period. He illustrates each ingredient of success by using real life inspirational stories that give each chapter their own individual character that are brought to life. Readers will find this short text to be just as powerful as other famous self-help books but they will discover different intimate treasures that are applicable to their own individual goals and desires and not generalized to every reader. More success awaits you…

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