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The Success Messages: Inspiration to Recharge Your Passion, Potential & Purpose

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Discover a collection of inspiring wisdom to reset your mind and spirit for success. The intention of this book is to enlarge your vision and remind you of the miracles you are set to create in this world. Read with an open heart and you’ll experience the inner joy and happiness you are destined to live.

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1 thought on “The Success Messages: Inspiration to Recharge Your Passion, Potential & Purpose

  1. Well this little gem of a book is the answer to that voice…quite literally. This is a simple, yet eloquent collection of positive musings, messages, and jewels of encouragement. It’s sometimes difficult to find solace from the negativity that surrounds us in our everyday lives. There are also the demands of family, pressure from a career, and those little nagging projects/duties that you know you need to get done. This book obviously won’t take care of these things for you, but sometimes you…

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