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Unlearn, Rewild: Earth Skills, Ideas and Inspiration for the Future Primitive

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Picture a world where humans exist, like all other living things, in balance. Where there is no separation between “human” and “wild.” Unlearn, Rewild boldly envisions such a world, probing deeply into the cultural constraints on our ability to lead truly sustainable lives and offering real, tangible tools to move toward another way of living, seeing, and thinking.

Part philosophical treatise, part hard-core survival guide, this unique and thoroughly unconventional manual blends philosophy with a detailed introduction to a rich assortment of endangered traditional living skills, including:

Harvesting and preparing unconventional proteins
Feral food preservation
Dealing responsibly with waste
Natural methods of birth control
Tanning and processing animal skins

Lyrical, humorous, surprising, enlightening, and thought-provoking by turns, Unlearn, Rewild is essential reading for those who wish to heal themselves and the earth, live gracefully into the future primitive and experience their wildest dreams.

Miles Olson has spent the past decade deeply immersed in learning and practicing earth skills. While foraging, hunting, gardening, and gathering for his livelihood, his experiences have given him a unique perspective on rewilding, radical self-reliance, and the impact of civilization on the natural world.

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3 thoughts on “Unlearn, Rewild: Earth Skills, Ideas and Inspiration for the Future Primitive

  1. Great intentions mixed with questionable advice, unproven assertions, and a lot of ignorance This book is part of the much needed conversation about how we should live in a post-industrial society: how we interact with nature, asking what sustainability really is, and he rightly discusses how we’re living in a racist society. I really agree with his intentions, but I disagree with this idea that returning to a hunter-gatherer way of life is possible with 7 billion people on the planet. The issues and advice he gives seem arbitrary, for example, he talks about catching mice, but doesn’t…

  2. most important book I’ve read in a while This is the first book review I have ever written on Amazon, and it is with good reason. It is not because this book is the most elegantly written piece of literature out of the hundreds of thousands of titles available from Amazon, but because it is arguably one of the most important for our times.While authors such as Daniel Quinn and Derrick Jensen have introduced to a new generation the concept that our culture is not only NOT the pinnacle of evolution, but is also the cause of…

  3. A sacred search for integrity Are you glowing with inner peace? Is your journey healthy, balanced, and joyful? Do you believe that the world is close to perfection because of technological progress? None of the above?Miles Olson is a young man with an old soul. He has never felt at home in modern society, even in childhood. The only people who made sense to him were the Native Americans, because they lived with respect and reverence for all things. When he was 17, he spent the summer living alone on a…

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