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Wabi-Sabi Wisdom: Inspiration for an Authentic Life

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In a Japanese tea ceremony, when a treasured bowl breaks, it is never discarded. Instead, shards are joined with lacquer and gold, creating beauty from imperfection and splendor from misfortune. This philosophy of finding beauty in life’s rough-earned wisdom the Japanese call “wabi-sabi.”

A tasty tea for the soul, Wabi-Sabi Wisdom: Inspiration for an Authentic Life steeps readers in Eastern concepts infused with author Andrea Jacques’ earnest perspective and charm.

Elegantly designed, each chapter explores a unique theme such as work-life balance, stress, doing the work you love, finding purpose, increasing productivity, achieving mastery, cultivating authentic success and happiness, and much more.

Blending equal parts wit and wisdom, the book is the perfect companion for sipping on enlightenment and immersing oneself in inspiration for a life well-lived.

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1 thought on “Wabi-Sabi Wisdom: Inspiration for an Authentic Life

  1. an easy read but with profound affect I read this book in one afternoon….couldn’t put it down. Since then I’ve gone back to it often and no matter where I turn I find something to inspire and encourage… easy read but with profound affect. I highly recommend this book for anyone needing some inspiration and simple directions for getting on track for an authentic, happy life.Marie Nychka (Edmonton, AB)

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