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Boost your child’s confidence (52 Brilliant Ideas)

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Growing up is a tough business. As children get older and become more independent they can struggle to work out where they fit into the world, and as a parent it’s natural to want to make this potentially scary process as easy and problem-free as possible. But the answer isn’t to be overprotective or mollycoddle your child. To be able to negotiate successfully all the new territories they find themselves in as they grow up children need to be confident, outgoing and unafraid to ask questions, have a go at things, or make mistakes. So how do you prepare your child to be confident, happy and capable of making the most of every opportunity?With the help of “Boost your Child’s Confidence” you can help your child grow into a balanced and self-assured person who can cope with everything life may throw at them. Packed with drama techniques you can practise with your children to help them be more confident and outgoing, “Boost your Child’s Confidence” will help your child shine in every situation, whether at school, at play or with family. With the help of “Boost your Child’s Confidence” you can help your shy and retiring wallflowers blossom into the confident, self-reliant and happy children you know they can be.

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3 thoughts on “Boost your child’s confidence (52 Brilliant Ideas)

  1. This is a very well-written book full of techniques, tricks, and ideas to inspire your child’s confidence (or your own maybe?). I underestimated this book (“only 52 ideas?”) and nearly passed it up but I’m very glad I didn’t! Each idea starts with a example story, followed by the idea(s), some definitions of the idea, and lastly some real-life ‘how did it go?’ scenarios. This is really great and I fully recommend it. If you don’t think you have much time to read a whole book, just choose one of…

  2. This was free, so no biggie. It’s not a bad book just not for me. It seems more like it’s for parents who want child actors? I don’t know, I don’t see myself doing anything from this book with my kids. If you love creative play and doing skits and stuff with your kids, you may like this book!

  3. Good ideas!! The authors provide stage preparation ideas to help you prod your kiddos away from being wallflowers. Written with a true “english” flair, it still has useful ideas for folks with mild or timid kids.If you are running out of ideas, I definitely recommend.All the best,Jay

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