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E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

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Adapted from Pam Grout’s New York Times bestselling book, E-Squared, this Running Press® Miniature Edition™ is a lab manual with simple experiments that prove reality is malleable and that you shape your life with your mind.
The nine experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time, demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity and as consistent as Newton’s laws of motion.

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2 thoughts on “E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments that Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

  1. Loved the experiments E Squared by Pam GroutPam Grout is my new favorite author. I enjoyed reading this book so much that I would love to read and know more from her. E Squared is easy to read, fun, all the ideas are scientifically supported, credible and something that sets this book apart from the others is that Pam gives us experiments to prove that our thoughts really do create our reality. I tried the experiments, and I was blown away by most results I had; this is my experience:…

  2. Energy Experiments Really Work Several months ago I heard an advertisement for this book while listening to Hay House Radio. My immediate response was, “I need that book!” Being the book junkie that I am though, it isn’t (currently) in my budget to buy every book that sounds interesting to me. So I looked it up at the library. No copies. Drat!Several weeks later, I spontaneously found myself browsing the Hay House site and came up on their blogger community. That, I now realize, was miracle #1. This…

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