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Fred Jones Tools for Teaching: Discipline, Instruction, Motivation

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In Tools for Teaching, Dr. Jones describes the skills by which exceptional teachers make the classroom a place of success and enjoyment for both themselves and their students. Tools for Teaching integrates the management of discipline, instruction and motivation into a system that allows you to reduce the stress of teaching by preventing most management headaches. Dr. Jones helps you reduce student disruptions, backtalk, helpless handraising and dawdling while helping you increase responsible behavior, motivation and independent learning. These skills are made accessable by practical, down-to-earth language and many examples and illustrations that provide the next best thing to attending one of Dr. Jones’ workshops. The second edition also includes an Overview DVD of Dr. Jones entire program; including how to use the Study Group Acitivity Guide, workshops, and parent videos.

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  • DVD attached

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2 thoughts on “Fred Jones Tools for Teaching: Discipline, Instruction, Motivation

  1. The #1 Indispensible Teaching Book Simply put: This book covers all the bases. If you are a new teacher stressing out, this book is a must. If you are a veteran teacher searching for that spark you had a few years ago, this book is the answer. For whatever reason, colleges do a really poor job preparing this country’s soon-to-be teachers. All I remember learning about in my EDU classes were countless theories and how to write five-page lesson plans.Once I started teaching I quickly realized that my college professors…

  2. This Book Saved my Teaching Career I had been teaching 7th and 8th grade science for two years at an inner city school and was doing OK. I had my classes somewhat under control, but I was getting worn out trying to keep them under control. I read the intro to this book and couldn’t wait to finish it and implement his methods. He clearly explains a whole system to deal with EVERYTHING that occurs in a classroom. He gives specific techniques, not just handy hints. I started using the techniques from this book in the middle of…

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