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How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

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Rise an hour, an hour and a half, or even two hours earlier; and–if you must–retire earlier when you can. In the matter of exceeding programmes, you will accomplish as much in one morning hour as in two evening hours. Show Excerpt n the day. If we further analyse our vague, uneasy aspiration, we shall, I think, see that it springs from a fixed idea that we ought to do something in addition to those things which we are loyally and morally obliged to do. We are obliged, by various codes written and unwritten, to maintain ourselves and our families (if any) in health and comfort, to pay our debts, to save, to increase our prosperity by increasing our efficiency. A task sufficiently difficult! A task which very few of us achieve! A task often beyond our skill! yet, if we succeed in it, as we sometimes do, we are not satisfied; the skeleton is still with us. And even when we realise tat the task is beyond our skill, that our powers cannot cope with it, we feel that we should be less discontented if we gave to our powers, already overtaxed, something still further to do. And such is, indeed, the fact. The wish to accomplish something outside their formal programme is common to all men who in the course of evolution have

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3 thoughts on “How to Live on 24 Hours a Day

  1. A timless self-help book that can work for everyone. Though it was written 90 years ago, “How To Live” addresses the inadequacies, frustrations, disappointments of people today in all walks of life and it does so with humor and wisdom. A daily dose of “How To Live” is at least as nourishing for the brain and soul as a multi-vitamin for the body. Arnold Bennett created a classic of its kind, a self-help book that really helps.

  2. Time, our most precious commodity, is yours to cherish It is hard to imagine that this little book could be so persuasive. I consider it a classic, and an early precusor to many others that have attempted to demonstrate how time is our own and ours to manage and expand our boundaries of our selves. In the thirty minutes it takes to read, you will be left forever vigilant, and will never sit idle, unless you consciously choose to sit idle, while you ride a train, wait for plane, or drive home from what once may have been a routine. Read it,…

  3. An Excellent Book on Time Management Arnold Bennett’s book “How to Live on 24 Hours a Day” is an excellent piece of classic work. Arnold Bennett (for those of you who don’t know) was a popular English novelist in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. 

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