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How to Win Friends & Influence People (Revised)

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How to Win Friends and Influence People is a classic book by Dale Carnegie with a pretty self-explanatory title. I read this book recently, and was surprised to find that it epitomized a lot of the wisdom I had already picked up from a variety of other sources.

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3 thoughts on “How to Win Friends & Influence People (Revised)

  1. This book changed my life This is BY FAR the best book I have ever read. The author has tips in the beginning of the book to help you, one of which is reading through it with a highlighter so you can go through it later and remember things better. I couldn’t stress this more. You only remember 10% of what you read (look it up.. cone of learning) so chances are, you won’t remember all of it, but being able to flip back through it and skim through the highlighted parts will help enormously. 

  2. but I found that it could be easy for a person to react quickly to conflicts In my honest opinion, several principles in this book are repeated around the book. I don’t see it as a disadvantage, because repetition is the key to learning. I did think several of the principles explained in the book are common sense, but I found that it could be easy for a person to react quickly to conflicts. This book has taught me the importance of staying in control and how beneficial it is to be in control of our behaviors and act in a way of service to others. The examples described…

  3. Changing my life. My Dad gave me a copy of this when I graduated highschool in the 90s but I wasn’t “ready” for it yet, I don’t even think I read it to be honest. Now I’m 37 and realizing that I’ve put my personal growth on the back burner for entirely too long. I had pretty much given up on making new adult friends. I had actually self-diagnosed myself with Asperger’s because I was having such a difficult time trying to figure out why people (including myself) do the things that do. The realization that…

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