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[Motivation Manifesto] The Motivation Manifesto;The Motivation Manifesto:The Motivation Manifesto

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The Motivation Manifesto is a pulsing, articulate, ferocious call to claim our personal power. World-renowned high performance trainer Brendon Burchard reveals that the main motive of humankind is the pursuit of greater Personal Freedom. We desire the grand liberties of choice-time freedom, emotional freedom, social freedom, financial freedom, spiritual freedom. Only two enemies stand in our way: an external enemy, defined as the social oppression of who we are by the mediocre masses, and an internal enemy, a sort of self-oppression caused by our own doubt and fear.

The march to Personal Freedom, Burchard argues, can be won only by declaring our intent and independence, stepping into our personal power, and battling through self-doubt and the distractions of the day until full victory is won. Recalling the revolutionist voices of the past that chose freedom over tyranny, Burchard-at times poetic yet always fierce-motivates us to free ourselves from fear and take back our lives once and for all.

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1 thought on “[Motivation Manifesto] The Motivation Manifesto;The Motivation Manifesto:The Motivation Manifesto

  1. “Eckhart Tolle on Steroids!” 🙂 Brendon captures our spiritual essence and set it on a life fulfilling journey. He is like Eckhart Tolle on Steroids! 🙂 Love these 9 Declarations! Awesome Book!

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