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Slim for Summer Bible

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Summer has to be the best time of year to get into the best shape, drop those pesky spare tyres and dare to don a sexy bikini. But most of us could do with a little help when it comes to budging the stubborn pounds that just love to hang out around our middles – and around our hips and butts too! – and this is the amazing Toni Austin swings to the rescue with a beautiful Slim for Summer Box Set that’s been custom-built to help you get into better shape in time for the sunshine season! If you want to tame those unwanted pounds and get into better shape, one of the best ways to get your body into fat-burning mode is with the celebrated Paleo Diet and Toni has put together a collection of her best ever Paleo Tips to make the summer spectacular. Now you enjoy your food, eat heartily and still burn off those unwanted love handles. The Paleo Method achieved fame as scientists discovered that our digestive systems haven’t changed too much in the last fifty thousand years. We developed a metabolic system that thrived on certain foods and, when we add unsuitable food types to our diet, we put on weight and our health suffers. The simple and most amazing answer, as explained by Toni, is to cut out the unsuitable foods and focus on the natural, super healthy alternatives. The result? A slimmer, trimmer, healthier, more muscular and happier body! And now, all those amazing benefits can be yours too. But following a smart nutrition system can take the right kind of motivation too and Toni had added a super manual to help you find and maintain exactly the right kind of motivation to make your eating programme successful. All the time. Filled with practical and priceless tips and advice on how to harness the Paleo method to lose weight permanently, these gorgeous will show you how to: • Identify the food types that have been causing you to put on weight • Understand what happens when your body becomes a fat-storage depot • Change your body’s metabolism and switch to super efficient fat burning • Eliminate the toxins that harm your health and produce bloating • Avoid the grains that have been poisoning your body • Banish the sugars that cripple your health and wellbeing • Restore natural balance to your digestive system • Discover your own personal motivators for being slimmer and healthier • Build your own personal formula for success • Cope with lapses and recovering rapidly from failure • Develop tremendous variety in your eating plans • Enjoy the Paleo method every day to the max

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3 thoughts on “Slim for Summer Bible

  1. This is a great guide for a sexy new look This is a great guide for a sexy new look. I am collecting a lot of books for weight loss and I am adding this one to my top list to follow. I think this is not just a paleofancy trends. The strategies here are so effective !

  2. Good for anyone, effective tips There is a very clearly guide with pictures at the end of the book so you can easily find the recipe you want to prepare. Love the fresh ideas, flavor combinations & detailed recipe instructions, I highly recommend this book for anyone who has health problems.

  3. By reading this book you will learn a bunch of useful information and guidelines on how you can have a … I’m well aware that we need to have a very strong motivation to succeed in our diet plans. I always wanted to get started with this Paleo Diet that’s why I purchase this book. By reading this book you will learn a bunch of useful information and guidelines on how you can have a sexy body that will surely fit in summer. It is indeed a good read and I highly recommend it to everyone.

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