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The Healthy Habit Revolution: Create Better Habits In 5 Minutes A Day

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Learn How to Create Habits That Stick In Just 5 Minutes A Day

Is there something you know would change your life for the better, but you’re missing out because you can’t get motivated to do it consistently? Do you ever find even if you have temporary success making good choices, you fail to make lasting change and eventually go back to your old ways? The problem isn’t that you’re weak-willed. The real problem is you’re taking the wrong approach. You’re not utilizing the proven scientific insights discovered in modern psychological research that show how you can transform your habits in the shortest amount of time possible and get a truly lasting change. “The Healthy Habit Revolution” takes cutting-edge research from behavioral, cognitive, and human needs psychology and puts it into a simple daily step-by-step blueprint for creating better habits. Even if you only have five minutes a day, you can add these steps to your daily routine to almost effortlessly improve your habits.

Discover Why You Can Upgrade Your Habits Even If You’re Completely Unmotivated

11 years ago, I was eating fast food every single night and I never exercised. You couldn’t have paid me to change my ways. Trying to force myself to change wouldn’t work because I would have rebelled against giving up my comforts. Then there was a process I went through that shifted everything. I gave up the junk, started eating a healthy diet, and got in the best shape of my life. Most importantly, these habits have easily stuck for the past 11 years. What I learned was how to “flip a switch” in my brain so I could go from dreading to desiring healthier habits without a lot of willpower or self motivation. I’ve applied these tactics to develop a daily meditation habit, a morning routine, and skyrocket my productivity as a writer – things I used to constantly struggle with. I wrote this book because I want others to benefit from the methods that helped me so much.

What to Expect from Your 21 Day Healthy Habit Challenge

You’ll be given step-by-step program that will show you… – Day 1: The #1 thing that will sabotage any chance of lasting success if you don’t address it first. – Day 3: How 6 human needs drive all of your habits, and why they’re the keys to reprogramming your behavior. – Day 5: Why trying to get motivated first often doesn’t work, and a simple “can’t fail” alternative that automatically generates motivation as a side effect. – Day 7: How the wrong type of reward actually prevents you from developing permanent habits. – Day 9: Why changing a single word in one’s vocabulary took success in making a healthier choice from 39% to 64% in a research study, and how to get even better results using this principle. – Day 11: How the force stronger than willpower determines how far you can take your healthy habits. – Day 16: 3 magic words to effortlessly overcome overwhelm and annihilate procrastination. – Day 18: A hidden psychological barrier most people never even think about that puts the brakes on creating better habits, and a quick and easy process to conquer it. – Day 21: What to do when need to create major transformations fast to virtually guarantee your success. – The Ultimate Secret Lesson Most Habit Books Never Talk About… Why even the best habits can be incredibly destructive if you don’t have one thing to keep them in check.

Are You Ready To Join The Challenge?

Download The Healthy Habit Revolution now to get started today. Scroll up and click the buy button. Note: Although you’ll learn a bit about getting rid of bad habits, that’s not the purpose of this book. This is for developing good habits that last a lifetime like reading, meditating, eating better, exercising, increasing productivity, and whatever other personal development will change your life.

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3 thoughts on “The Healthy Habit Revolution: Create Better Habits In 5 Minutes A Day

  1. Read this book if you are struggling to build good habits This book rocks! I saw it while browsing Amazon books one day. It was advertised on the side bar and I knew just by the title that I had to buy it. I am a 42-year-old dad with bad ADD and have been struggling for years to create and maintain good habits. While much of the information in this book is probably available elsewhere on the Internet or by other authors, Derek Doepker has a way of encouraging you as if he were right there with you. 

  2. Wealth of knowledge and easy implementation My purpose for seeking out this book is to restructure my day and my brain, by using the wisdom of the researchers and science to find out exactly why I do, and do not do what should to make my body work properly. Health issues and a disability have made me look for alternatives to the gym. 

  3. Why it is so easy to follow Derek Doepker’s advice For all the health and fitness guidebooks available few are as practically minded and down to earth as this brief, immensely readable one by Derek Doepker. Founder of the Excuse Proof Fitness, he uses this book to reorient our thinking about the way we approach everything and in that everything is health and fitness Hacking our behavior blueprint, our consciousness, our habits, our emotions, our stress response, our choices and our dedication. 

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