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The Motivation Manifesto for the Life-Claiming People: Achieve the things you want right now

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Do you suffer from procrastination? Do you put off the things you should be doing to do things you shouldn’t be doing? Are you constantly rushing to meet deadlines, even though you had plenty of time to complete your project? Do you know you could do better, if only you had the motivation?

The secret is here in Melanie Hutchinson’s The Motivation Manifesto. Everyone can benefit from this work, because Hutchinson identifies what procrastination is, why people do it, and how to change this destructive habit. The Motivation Manifesto identifies the two types of goals we all at some point have as the “doing” goals (we we want to do) and the “being” goals (what we would like to be). Procrastination erodes both types of goals, but there’s hope in the pages of this book. Hutchinson kicks this off with how we should identify our personal goals of every type. She advises setting large, major goals and then breaking them into smaller and smaller goals that correspond to smaller and smaller increments of time. The Motivation Manifesto includes an important concept: the concept of positive visualization. It encourages us to envision, in detail, what life is like for us with our goals met. For example, if my goal is to run a 5K, I would envision myself crossing the finish line, proud and happy with my accomplishment. Hutchinson also suggests in interesting technique called “goal pictures” to help our visualization efforts. Hutchinson then delves into achieving our smaller goals with strategization. If previous methods haven’t been successful in our particular business, then we should brainstorm new methods to achieve our objective. Another key to addressing procrastination and gaining momentum is to prepare for obstacles and have a plan for addressing them if they arise. For example, if I’m writing an article for a newsletter, I should save it to a cloud-based service in case of power outage that affects my laptop. The Motivation Manifesto also reminds us of the well-known 80/20 principle: that there are methods that are much more efficient than many others. This helps out procrastination by helping us to isolate the most effective way to get things done. Hutchinson also endorses drawing on resources already at hand, you environment and overwhelming important projects with all available sources of energy in order to work most efficiently. The Motivation Manifesto doesn’t shy away from the concept of time management. Hutchinson advocates a calendar-based system for completing projects that she details explicitly in this book. She also lists many tips for increasing personal discipline during work sessions so you get the most results out of each work day. Along with positive visualization, Hutchinson also suggests positive affirmations to stay mentally fresh and focused. She quickly but thoroughly explains how to practice affirmations and weave them into our lives as a part of healthy daily practice. Finally, Hutchinson uses the method of rewarding ourselves when we have met daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals. She outlines what make good rewards and how to incorporate rewards into our system of work to keep us engaged with our most important projects. ***Limited Edition***

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3 thoughts on “The Motivation Manifesto for the Life-Claiming People: Achieve the things you want right now

  1. Motivation Menifesto Found this book very inspiring. Author did a great job on putting his efforts to make this book. His great reaearch about natural human behavior on how one can be successful and one cannot. Really helped me a lot to understand myself that it could take years to find it. Thank you for the great book.

  2. It motivated me and guided in the path, I am today in! We all have some week point in our life. A point were we are low and we look for inspiration, motivation to help ourselves. Some need help to get the motivation some can get it on their own. I bought this book to help myself to get some motivation. I have been low for sometime and I was wondering I cant do anything! On my friend recommendation I bought this book, and surely I dont regret getting it! This book gave me the answers I was looking for…. It motivated me and guided in the path, I am…

  3. EPIC Pretty awesome book if you tell me! I’ve been a huge fan of self-help material and this is something people need to read nowadays. If you’re not growing, you’re dying. 

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